Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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23 entries this month

Tired...and sore.

22:11 Feb 24 2013
Times Read: 835

Friday was BUSY!

In the morning - while it was still quite cold - I took my oldest cat Crunch to the vet for an exam. Normally, with any other of my cats, I'd walk the few blocks to the bus that goes to the vet's office...not with this huge fat critter though. I was praying that the pet carrier wouldn't bust apart, never mind that it was a new one I recently bought, for pets up to 20 lbs. It was a struggle to carry his fat ass across the street for a bus, to connect me with the second bus...lol (And as I missed the second bus, I called a cab...duh).

Crunch was meowing - cussing me out in cat - the whole time. He was nicely bundled up in a small pet pad, lying on an old ripped up t-shirt, with a treat...what more could I have done?

The day workers standing around near the bus stop were amazed at Crunch's huge size, saying "Que grande gato!' over and over...as a matter-of-fact, everyone who saw him basically said "Damn! That's a big ass cat!"...Yeah. Crunch is a big ass cat. My arms and hands were feeling his weight...

Anyway, his exam went well, and he wasn't the scaredy cat he used to be. He kept strutting around the exam room, jumping up on counters, lounging in the sink...and he was well behaved with being handled. Of course, he amazed everyone there with his size as well...he weighed in at 20.15 lbs. I don't know why I thought that he weighted 30 lbs...the most he ever weighed was 25 lb...duh.

Crunch got a clean bill of health, got his booster shot, and ate his dewormer treat...I had budgeted $100 for the vet tab, and was pleased when it came to $68.75.

When we left, I had to carry his big as down a hill to the bus - which runs every hour, and by then, it was getting hot...took the second bus to home, where he sprang from the carrier - lol.

Next Friday, I take Ivanna to the vet for the same deal. Thank God that she is small, and weighs about 9 lbs...lol!

Then I did the laundry, went grocery shopping, cleaned the bathroom, vacuumed and dusted...and I've been vegetating ever since.



00:57 Feb 27 2013

Oh man - I think I've mentioned I have a total fattie as well. In fact, while her 'given name' is Slippers, we usually just call her Fats. Anyway, a plumber had to come over one day and when he came in, from the hall, he could see her sitting on the bed. Mind you - he's this pretty massive black dude. But steps back and says "Whoa....that's a BIG cat..." like it was some kind of attack dog!

23:18 Mar 03 2013

Justin - lol!

I get that a lot about Crunch. Comments like "Goddamn - that's a huge cat!" and "Whoa! "


Stolen form Red (RedQueen)

21:01 Feb 24 2013
Times Read: 837

Which serial killer are you most like?

The Zodiac Killer

You two are so much alike, maybe you can tell us who this guy is. It's been decades since anyone heard anything from him. It`s not really you is it?


Click Here to Take This QuizBrought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.

...oh joy.




Just in time for this weekend's Chinese New Year celebrations...NOT!

03:59 Feb 22 2013
Times Read: 864

During the busy lunch crowd yesterday, there was a sudden, screeching, shouting match in Chinese out in the student center.

I turned around to see two old Chinese women shoving each other near a garbage can. I recognized them as being two of a small group of people who come in, go through the trash and recycling, for stuff to recycle. Nevermind that we have repeatedly asked them not to do so when it's crowded, when people are eating...anyway, these two old bats start fighting - pulling hair, clothes, and kicking at each other. A student - Chinese guy - got inbetween them to try to break them up; the old women were smacking the shit out of each other...they ended up knocking the guy on the ground, and they kept on fighting, yelling in Chinese (Cantonese, to be exact).

By then, dozens of students were having a good ol' time laughing and enjoying the boxing match.

It was finally broken up by two more students - they tore the old 'ladies' apart and dragged them to opposite ends of the center.

Needless to say, there were plastic bottles all over the place...a third old Chinese woman quietly came by to pick them up.

Gung hay fat choy!



04:10 Feb 22 2013

Oh. My. GAWD. And I thought bartending got laughs around here...lol

04:41 Feb 22 2013

Recycling is a cut throat biz.


Wierd weather.

03:34 Feb 20 2013
Times Read: 889

So - last week, it was mostly warm and sunny, when it should have been in the mid-50's and raining...

Starting today, it's cold and rainy, in the 40's (which is cold for the SF Bay Area). And it's suppose to get colder, with more rain, plus snow in the higher elevations (We have 4 'mountains' in the area - part of the California Coastal Range; the area encompasses about a 50-mile radius).

The local snow-capped mountains are Mt Tamalpais in Marin County; Mt Diablo in Concord and Mission Peak in Fremont (East Bay); and further south of San Jose is Mt Hamilton.

Okay - my nerd came out. So much for the local weather and geography - lol.

Suffice it to say that it's fucking cold right now.



03:39 Feb 20 2013

I will take your 40's, thankyouverymuch. :)

It is 15 with -5 windchill here...lol

03:39 Feb 20 2013

Great- I move to Canada, and YA'LL get the cold weather and snow...SO unfair...lol

13:50 Feb 20 2013

Wrap up warm sweetie :-)

04:42 Feb 22 2013

I still miss California.


Whoo hoo! Moved up another level!

00:48 Feb 19 2013
Times Read: 894

Welcome Isis101

Your Status:

Great Sire

Your Level:


Pages Viewed:


Time Spent:

103.60 days

You have completed

46% of the next level.



05:51 Feb 22 2013

I don't remember the last time I went up a level! Anyway, I kind of want to stay an Anarchist. >_


Wouldn't this be great if thousands of us women did this as a flash mob?

06:44 Feb 18 2013
Times Read: 918

I stole this from another journal here, as I can't stop watching it...lol. Better to have it for myself than to keep going back to the journal to look at it!

 photo 9937-642b_zps80e9c310.gif



08:21 Feb 18 2013


10:35 Feb 18 2013

If only more women took the initiative. lol

17:14 Feb 18 2013

I wanna know what she's listening to.

12:20 Feb 20 2013

Oh yeah baby!


05:31 Feb 18 2013
Times Read: 930

So, Mogy thinks I wear a helmet and ride on the little bus:

Feb 17 2013 LORDMOGY 9 You're so special....Like helmet wearing, little yellow bus and all that. hehehehe

Ef you, man! LOL!



06:00 Feb 18 2013

Awww....You know I got nothing but love for ya Isis ^_^

06:26 Feb 18 2013

Yeah, sure. By wearing that helmet, my brain won't get any mushier. Thanks a lot.


Yes...I'm having flashbacks again...

00:12 Feb 18 2013
Times Read: 941

In a butt-shaking dancing mood...with some Latin flair? Put on this classic from the disco days:

Cuba, by the Gibson Brothers!




When the word 'Fashion' means absolutely nothing...

00:28 Feb 17 2013
Times Read: 974

More ho clothes!

 photo 2a0e10dc-b4fe-4071-ac46-fe43cdfbe6b2_zpsc946ecd3.jpg



02:04 Feb 17 2013

WOW!!!! I would maybe do the set all the way on the left...lol

17:56 Feb 17 2013

Shit, even when I WAS that skinny, I couldn't wear shit like that- nor would I want to...lol

20:29 Feb 17 2013

Oh go on Isis and try on a pair! If I was there we could do dress up together, and have a right ole laugh doing it! Btw.. They might look good on blokes!

01:33 Feb 18 2013

Well...the black lacy top was cute, but the materials were flimsy.

12:23 Feb 20 2013

New tv program: spot the ho shop.


Tidbits from the week.

22:53 Feb 16 2013
Times Read: 981

* On Valentine's Day, a customer/student started spouting off French while I was ringing him up. He was an older guy, like in his 60's, I'm guessing. I just commented that whatever he was saying, it sounded nice. He replied that he was just saying Happy Valentine's Day, and that he thought that I'd understand French(???) stating "You look like you'd speak French." My reply was "The only French I know is my name, bonjour, and adieu...Adieu!" He laughed.

* When picking up meds - a fast-acting inhaler for asthma sneak-attacks, and an oitment for my painful cracked fingers - I inquire about the omeprazole for my stomach. The pharm tech had some more Nexium waiting for me. I told him that it doesn't work for me, as it triggers my asthma, and that I needed omeprazole - brand name, Prilosec. I told him that my doctor was suppose to order it for me, but they received no such order yet. Okay - no biggie, as I got some from a co-worker to hold me over. The pharm tech - and his supervisor(?) insisted that the drugs worked the same. The supervisor then goes on to say that the omeprazole was reserved for the Medi-Cal and Medicare patients, and that the two meds were essentially the same; plus, I 'could go to a retail pharmacy and buy Prilosec.' I tell her that at $30 for about 14 pills, I couldn't afford to, which is why I was there. I also say - "And if they are the same, what difference does it make?" Then in a polite manner, I told them that the pills didn't work the same, as Nexium is isomeprazole, and Prilosec is omeprazole - similar, but different compounds. The Nexium was detrimental to my health.

I thanked them and took the two prescriptions I came for; no use holding up the line...plus, I may apply for a pharm tech job there in the future. No use stirring up the pot.



01:48 Feb 17 2013

Check out the big brain on Isis! Good for you!


Yeap. I AM falling apart.

22:10 Feb 16 2013
Times Read: 986

I kept my appointment and saw my doctor yesterday. While he seems competent enough, the man has the personality of a clod of dirt.

So much so, that I had to pick on him a bit. While he was writing out orders for all of the stuff I need to get done, I commented on how his writing really sucked. That made him chuckle.

Anyway - I got some medical issues:

* Borderline diabetes, which is scary, as it runs in the family. I'll see a dietician to improve my mostly healthy diet even more

* Worn down - ie arthritic - iliac, lumbar spine (L5 and L4? I forget, but two of 'em are messed up). No wonder I'm usually in pain when I first get up each morning...well that, and my crappy mattress

* Arthritic knees - especially the left - that I already knew about

* Multiple gallstones, which I found out about 3 months ago. Will see a specialist and try to get the surgery to remove the lil' bastards ASAP.

* Fibroids in the uterus...WTF? Believed to be non-cancerous, but I will get that check out as well...plus a mamogram; I haven't had a gyno exam or a mamogram since I lost my health coverage back in 2008. So, there will also be a few visits to the Women's Health department of the clinic.

Jesus...I AM falling apart!

I guess the flip side to all of this is that there was a much longer laundry list of everything that was RIGHT about my health, and the doctor commented on it.

Jesus...I'm gonna' be alright!



17:56 Feb 17 2013

Damn, gal....do I need to come out there and mother yo ass?



21:43 Feb 16 2013
Times Read: 993

Where did she go? :(





04:29 Feb 15 2013
Times Read: 1,013

Ah...Valentine's Day. Whoop-de-fuckin-do. Nothin' special, except work myself to the bone.

Someone left a single red rose at my station. I immediately knew that it wasn't for me - it had to be for the head cashier, who takes over the spot in the afternoon. But, no...Boss #2 insisted that the rose was for me...later, a student walks up to ask me if C - the head cashier - got her rose. What the hell...I like gerbera daises better anyway! Lol.

During the busy breakfast rush, I get a rude pushy Middle-Eastern guy who barks that he is an employee, and he wanted the employee discount. I never saw the guy in my life, and as such, per the rules the bosses laid out, employees we don't know need to show us their school ID. You'd think that I asked the guy to strap on a bomb and blow himself up. Our exchange went like this (with my unspoken thoughts on the matter):

'employee': I want my employee discount.

me: As I don't know you sir, I'd need to see your employee badge. (Who the fuck are you barkin' at)?

'employee': I don't have it.

me: Well I'm sorry, but I can't give you a discount. (You fuckin' rude asshole)

'employee': Well, the others give me a discount!

me: And I will too, once I establish who you are.

(You're holding up the line...and I'd like to kick you in the nuts now)

'employee': Oh - I'll just pay the regular price...and I'll never get in your line again!

me: Fine with me. If you have a problem with our rules, you can speak to my boss. His name is Stan. (Now get the fuck out of my face)

Good grief...

Other work-related stuff: While getting ready for work this morning, I had the local news on. There was a story about a 19 year-old guy who was shot to death on a public school ground last night, while gambling...over $2!!! He was a student and on the football team at the college where I work.



09:25 Feb 15 2013

lol, just another day at the office :-p

13:10 Feb 15 2013

I got a red carnation from the teller at the grocery store...lol It did make me smile. But they were giving one to all of the customers.

18:43 Feb 15 2013

That last part is really sad, this is was our world has come down too. What a waste.

06:15 Feb 16 2013

Nice to know I ain't the only one with "in head" side bars to my dealings with fucktards like this one. I think you deserve a daisy AND to kick him in the nuts.....lol


01:22 Feb 11 2013
Times Read: 1,055

Oh Jesus...a toothless crackhead just knocked on my door...through it, I politely told her that she had the wrong apartment. Good grief.



10:45 Feb 11 2013

Was she toothless 'before' she knocked?!! lol

13:53 Feb 11 2013

Oh dear.Be safe and careful who you open your door to!

03:28 Feb 12 2013

I NEVER open my door. I see them through the peekhole and talk through the door...lol


I do indeed have a twin!

01:00 Feb 11 2013
Times Read: 1,068

Remember the student I mentioned before who stated that I looked like her mother?

I saw her this week, and had her send the pic of her mom to my email address...I swear to God, I'd say that we were separated at birth if it wasn't for the fact that the student's mom is 47 years old, and stands at 5'11" (I'm 52, and 5'8").

Plus, my bottom lip sometimes sticks out - lol.

Here is the pic of the student's mom, and one I took of myself a few days ago.

2/11/13 Edit: Exchanged previous pic with one I took today, which is in profile:

 photo mytwin_zps4e37b3b8.jpg photo 4e74cb78-de90-436f-9f22-63037ae02d1e_zps5930ad2c.jpg



04:09 Feb 12 2013

Saved comments:



Feb 10 2013

Block User

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Hmm...Yup, I can see it.



Feb 10 2013

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Wow! Crazy.



Feb 10 2013

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Feb 10 2013

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you is pretty.....



Feb 11 2013

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What we looking at here? The crockery? I know dreadful colour! It's not pink, fushsia maybe, but whatever, dreadful.



Feb 11 2013

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Wow that is something. I've had others tell me they saw someone who looked just like me but I've never had a chance to compare myself like this!


The week in review.

20:52 Feb 10 2013
Times Read: 1,081

If the first week of work was uneventful, the second week was super busy! Sales are going up, and as a result, I'll be able to still have a job, as I'm the only hourly contract employee of the cashiers...in other words, if there will be layoffs, I'll be the first to go. So, thank God for more money coming in, and the fact that the two bosses really like me (I know for a fact that they'd like for my position and Big Momma's to be reversed...lol).

With that being said, with more students, there are more assholes. There were two that stood out of the crowd this week:

* The asshole guy who had an attitude over us not taking large bills...the school - for whatever reason - removed the one ATM that dispensed twenties, and left the one that dispenses fifties and tens. Most people don't pay attention to the ATM on how to get the tens, so they always get fifties instead. Then they get bent out of shape when we don't take fifties...never mind that we have signs all over the place stating that we don't take large bills, and have also placed two HUGE signs at the ATM that states this. Anyway, I tell this one guy that we don't take large bills, and that we have nothing to do with the ridiculous ATM machine out in the student center. He goes on with "Well, why do you guys have a damn ATM machine that gives bill we can't use in here?" I repeat that the machine is not under our control. He gets more huffy...so do I. I say something to the affect of "So I guess that HUGE sign at the ATM and the signs posted everywhere in here aren't big enough?"

He stormed off in a huff, then came back once he broke his fifty at the bookstore (they take large bills)...duh.

* Yesterday - a rare Friday in which I worked - we had a lil' breakfast crowd; many of the customers are faculty. All of a sudden I hear a woman shout "What the fuck is she staring at? Like I'm gonna' steal somethin'?" Everyone turns around to see this short dumpy black chick in bright orange tights. I figure out that she is going off on our sweet lil' Miss E (the older Chinese work-study student, who has no clue as to what's going on). No one is confronting this bellowing cow, so I do. "What's the problem?' I shout out, while I'm still ringing up folks. She comes up and states that she doesn't appreciate being watched, and that she is not stealing anything. I ask her who is accusing her of stealing; she points to Miss E. I shake my head. "I doubt that she is watching you. That is not her job. She is a work study student who is here to clean up and make coffee...and she barely speaks English. I'm sure that you weren't on her radar, even though you have everyone's attention now."

She just looked at me with a dumb-ass look on her face. After I spoke up, other people joined in, telling her to chill out, and leave if she was having issues with being 'watched'...The bitch had to get another word in though...at me. "So...why are you getting upset?" I replied "I'm not upset. I'm just a tad bit annoyed that you'd come in here starting crap. Have a nice day!" People were laughing at her. She grumbled and stalked off...but not before she discovered that she lost one of her white gloves, and returned. "Anybody see a white glove!" she shouted. I nodded at her feet - she was standing on it. Duh. When she left, I told Char - an employee I know and was ringing up - that maybe Miss E was looking at the big mouth cow due to the ugly-ass outfit she was wearing. Char couldn't stop laughing.



22:30 Feb 10 2013

lol, fun at work makes life a bit more accepting but glad you still have a job and may it go from strength to strength.

22:33 Feb 10 2013

Always love your work stories girl! LOL



23:43 Feb 03 2013
Times Read: 1,126

Kinda' bummed. A friend here is no longer...here. I need to call and/or text him to make sure that he is okay.

This just reminds me that while I - and many others - are having a good time watching the game and/or doing whatever to make us happy, many others are really struggling...the Super Bowl is the last thing on their minds.

We all should appreciate what we have.



00:02 Feb 04 2013

know the feelings all to well on both sides of the coin, never was into footaball anyway

00:09 Feb 04 2013



00:07 Feb 03 2013
Times Read: 1,138

Hunkering down and relaxing for the weekend...looking forward to tomorrow's game (Go Niners)! May watch a few movies, attempt to write another chapter for my story here, and/or start reading a novel. Will put off the pharm tech studies for the state exam until next week.

...and I may not do much of anything, as I'm currently very lazy...and I have a slight hangover.



17:51 Feb 03 2013

And what did YOU do to get a hangover?

23:40 Feb 03 2013

Drink...which I can no longer do like I use to!


This Week.

06:52 Feb 02 2013
Times Read: 1,153

If last week was pretty tame, this week was a zoo: very busy - which is good - but still, I came home beat every evening.

Nothing really wierd happened...which is wierd in itself...

Except for the student who told me that I looked like her mom. She told me this before, and I took it with a grain of salt...no one has this unusual face...lol. But lo and behold - she takes out her phone and shows me a pic of her mom...I almost had a heart-attack! She had a pic of her mom in profile, and her mom had some kind of mohawk action going on; dammit if that woman wasn't a spittin' image of me though! It was kinda' creepy. The student did mention that her mom was 5'11" - I'm 5'8" (And probably fatter to boot).

When I see her again, I'll have her send me that pic of her mom, then I'll freak out everyone I know with it. I'll even post it here, so everyone will see that I have a doppelganger. (I'll need to take a profile pic for comparison). Wow...!!!

Oh - had fun exchanging B-day gifts at work yesterday, as the supervisor and I share the same birthday (February 1st)! The head cashiers' birthday is on the 3rd. A lot of Aquarians! Even though today - the 1st - is my birthday, I did nothing special...except drink...lol.




06:04 Feb 02 2013
Times Read: 1,162

I caaant Drinnnnnnnnnk like i ussssssssed to

gettin tooooo old fooooor this ssshit.........



06:36 Feb 02 2013

You are far from old probably wiser and much more prettier . They say a woman is like fine wine she only gets better with age. you are a very lovely woman

06:42 Feb 02 2013




05:39 Feb 02 2013
Times Read: 1,170




05:20 Feb 02 2013
Times Read: 1,173

I want to thank all of you who have left me birthday wishes and honor...what a bunch of sweethearts!

*big group hug*



05:22 Feb 02 2013

OMG I didn't know it was your BDay. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE!!! *big hugs*

I hope that it was filled with lots of amazing things and that you smiled frequently!


Priest of the Month.

05:18 Feb 02 2013
Times Read: 1,176

February 2013




05:20 Feb 02 2013

LOL! You and these Fathers lol! :P

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